Oil on linen, 21' x 18' (52 cm x 45 cm)
This painting addresses a primordial human struggle, the eternal
conflict between the human heart and mind, between emotions and
The heart and brain are placed on the pans of a balance. Obviously
the heart outweighs the brain. It is only by bleeding out its
content will it become lighter and reach an equilibrium with the
Somehow a balance is achieved, and a steady state is maintained,
but only with a great effort, producing pain and requiring strength
which is implied by the strained posture of the hand holding the
scale. The emotional heart originally weighed more than the logical
brain, the painting suggests, but life forces us to discard and
repress emotions to survive and maintain a measure of stability
and sanity.
Where does the blood go? it spills over a dry and deserted land
that will never permit cultivation. This implies that in this
world the seeds of emotions have no chance of sprouting, much
less blossoming. |